Category: Uncategorized

Learning to Live Again – My story

So there I was in full competition mode at Altus Shooting Solutions in Baker, Florida. The Range Officer said, “Shooter Ready?” I replied, “I’m ready!!” BEEEEP!  This particular stage had you climbing up logs. You would stop at each log to shoot the three different distance targets, then up another log you would go. I was …

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Altus Long Range Series – PRS one day match

A good night sleep, great coffee and your rifle/ammo ready is the best solution for a great match! The day started early around 7:45 a.m.  I ran down to the zero range to make sure my rifle was ready and boy was she ever!  Since this was a one day match, we only had 10 …

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MPA Spring Shootout Regional Qualifier – Arena Training Facility

Man what a weekend!  Momma said there would be days like this but she didn’t say how many in a row!! I always love going to Arena Training Facility to shoot  a match. Not only is it a great facility, but there are great people running all the “behind the scenes”.  Eddie Noland and Beth …

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