Tag: hoppes 9

Steel City Precision Rifle Competition at King B Farms

John Cuckler and Richard Crouse of Steel City Precision are no strangers in the long range community. They both have been running matches for quite a few years now. I have shot several of their matches and they never disappoint.This year was no different. A cool aspect to their match is that they donate proceeds …

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Permanent link to this article: https://thelifeofmissy.com/2018/02/14/steel-city-precision-rifle-competition-at-king-b-farms/

Bushnell Elite Tactical

I have had a few people ask me with puzzling looks “You shoot a Bushnell optic“?  and I always respond “Heck yeah I shoot a Bushnell“!  If you are not familiar with the quality and ruggedness of this scope, let me give you one of the many reasons why I choose Bushnell: A few weekends …

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Permanent link to this article: https://thelifeofmissy.com/2017/11/07/bushnell-elite-tactical/

CORE Fall Classic PRS match, Baker Florida

Take the guys of CORE Shooting Solutions (Josh Mann, Mike Mangum, John Watts and Bryan Morgan) and add the infamous George Gardner and you got one hell of a PRS match!! With these guys at the helm, this was one tough/challenging match. CORE Shooting Solutions is known for their long range shooting and the many competitions …

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Permanent link to this article: https://thelifeofmissy.com/2017/09/05/core-fall-classic-prs-match-baker-florida/